Club Notice Board
Lytham St. Annes RRC has a notice board fixed near where the members meet each Tuesday and Thursday.
The Club's notice board situated opposite the entrance to the gym is regularly updated with photos, news items, handicap start lists and results and so on. Have a look when you want to know what is happening currently.
"Athletic Run-Down" and "The Sports Pages"
The Evening Gazette gives weekly coverage on Saturdays and The Express on Thursday to Lytham St. Annes RRC
Anyone who has run a race should e-mail results and information about the race to by Monday evening with photos, if available, for inclusion in both papers.
Before December 2004 Bill Lock wrote the press releases for the Gazette. From December 2004 to October 2006 Sarah Tatton wrote the articles and from 2006 to June 2009 Tony Croft took over adding regular features in the St Annes Express.
Colin Laidlaw wrote press releases from 2010 to 2011 and handed over to Nigel Simpkin in June 2011, who handed over to Cath French in late 2013. The role of press officer was then held by Joanna Goorney until July 2016 and is now ably undertaken by Liz Canavan.
Club Website
This site was created by Jol Martyn Clarke in September 2002.
It was taken over and redesigned by Dawn Lock in September 2004.
Andy Draper took over the site in June 2011.
Joanna Goorney took over the maintenance of the website from April 2015, with assistance from Greg Oulton.
Content updates are managed by Darran and Greg.
Please contact Greg or Joanna with any comments or suggestions for the website or to notify of any errors or ommissions.
Run of the Mill
Lytham St. Annes RRC's appropriately named magazine
This title was thought up by the original editor Bill Lock. For many years it was made available in paper form only, but now that new editor Richard Storey has taken the mantle it is available in electronic form.
Contents include a wide range of statistics such as members' race times, Club Championship tables and forthcoming fixtures as well as training advice and a selection of varied and often entertaining original articles by members.
All articles are welcome - the only criterion being they should be about the Club or running. Authors should hand them to Richard at the Club.
To view the electronic version follow the link in the News dropdown above or click here Run Of The Mill
Editions appear every six weeks or so.