LSARRC Child and Vulnerable Adults Welfare Policy
Updated January 2024
Vulnerable Adults: within this policy where the words “child” or “young athlete” are referred used, these may also be applied to vulnerable adults for the appropriate purpose of the protection and welfare of any vulnerable adults within the club. Vulnerable adult is defined here at the DBS website:
Aim of the Policy
Our aim is to create an environment in which the young athlete (child) and their parent(s), guardian, responsible adult, carer, closest relative; can feel confident that our club is providing a safe and wholesome setting for all participants in the sport of athletics.
As a club, we will support and offer advice to every athlete, coach, helper, official and officer of the club in order to protect them from neglect, exploitation and abuse.
All suspicions and allegations of abuse against young athletes will be responded to, and followed up appropriately in accordance with this policy and local Area Child Protection Policy guidelines and procedures.
Key Principles
- All people under the age of 18 years are defined as children for the purpose of this policy.
- All children regardless of their gender, racial origin, culture, ability, religious belief and sexual orientation have the right to protection from abuse.
- All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and will be responded to by any officer or committee member of the club, who through the Club's child welfare officers will refer the matter to the Social Services Department in whose area the incident or suspicion occurred.
- All coaches and helpers who come into active contact with children will be subject to a DBS Check under the UK coach licensing procedures.
Code of Practice for Club Adults
- Avoid when possible, situations when you and an individual child are alone.
- Avoid physical contact wherever possible. Teach techniques by demonstration.
- Coaches are expected to hold appropriate qualifications recognised by UK Athletics. Otherwise they must work under the direct supervision of a qualified coach.
- Adults should never over-criticise young athletes, or use language or actions which may cause children to lose self-esteem or confidence.
- Coaches and adults should not take unrelated children to their (i.e. the coach or adult’s) home. Permission must be obtained from the child's parent or guardian for car journeys. The presence of a further person should be sought. It is sensible to seat any child in the rear of the car.
- Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in all conversations; so coaches and adults must not give children a promise or expectation of confidentiality.
- Ensure that training is appropriate to a child’s age and level of experience.
- Ensure that same sex adults (preferably in pairs) should undertake any supervision of changing rooms.
Actions to be taken by Club Adults in the event of an allegation being made
- Advise the child that you will not be able to maintain confidentiality.
- Listen to the child rather than question him/her.
- Never stop a child who is freely recalling significant events.
- Make a note of what is said, taking care to record the time, date, setting and people present.
- Any person with a suspicion or allegation of child abuse shall report to the Child Welfare Officers or any club committee member who should without delay, refer the matter to the Social Services Department/ police and the Athletics regional governing body.
- No Club Adult should carry out their own investigations
- The person reporting the suspicions or making the allegations must be prepared to speak to the Social Services to clarify their concerns.
- Any person suspected of abusing a child should not be approached by another member of the Club concerning the abuse issue.
- Other Club officials should deal with matters if the person who would otherwise deal with the matter is compromised by a relationship or friendship with the person against whom the suspicion has emerged.
- Any coach or member of the club who has been accused of abusing a child will be suspended by the Club "without prejudice" pending the investigation.
Confidential Information
The coach, volunteer, official or Officer of the Club may be placed in a position of trust by the child who may feel able to disclose incidents which have occurred within Athletics or life outside the Club. No guarantee of confidentiality can be given to the child but any such disclosures must be taken seriously and referred immediately to the Social Services Department/ Police.
- Club Adults: Club officials, coaches and helpers.
- Physical Abuse: Occasions when adults or other children deliberately inflict injuries upon a child, or knowingly do not prevent such injuries. This could include the nature of the intensity of training or competition. Offering alcohol or drugs
- Emotional Abuse: Where adults or other children fail to show due care or attention or threaten, use sarcasm, taunt or shout at a child causing them to lose confidence, self-esteem and become nervous or withdrawn.
- Neglect: Where adults fail to provide help and care to the child. This also includes leaving a child without proper supervision or placing the child at risk of injury.
- Sexual Abuse: Where adults or children use children to fulfil their sexual needs.
Contact numbers and useful websites
Lytham and St Annes Police Station
The below numbers should not be used to report a crime.
You can report a crime or incident online or by calling 101.
In an emergency always dial 999.
Each local policing team has a dedicated phone number or email address for you to contact them directly
Tel: 01253 604734
England Athletics Welfare
UK Athletics Welfare Team: or 07983081122.
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Lancashire Safeguarding Children's Board
Concerned about a child
Call: 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722.
If you think a child is in immediate danger – don't delay call the police on 999.
The NSPCC website has advice about the signs, symptoms and effects of child abuse and neglect.
Concerns about an adult that works with children
If there are immediate safeguarding concerns to the child call 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722.
If there are no immediate safeguarding concerns to the child inform senior management at the organisation where this person works.
NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit
Tel: 0116 366 5580
Child Protection in Sport Unit
NSPCC National Training Centre
3 Gilmour Close
Beaumont Leys
Club Contact Details
Can be found on the Club Contacts page.
Junior Welfare Officer
In line with the policies of UK Athletics, the club has appointed a Welfare Officer to be responsible for the welfare of children who compete and train at the club. The Welfare Officer is responsible for the implementation of the club’s Welfare Policy which is available for any parent/ guardian on request.
The club will use the Welfare Officer as a point of contact between parents/guardians and deal with any enquiries or concerns about the procedures of the club and the nature of the activities the children will be involved in.
These enquiries or concerns may relate to the nature of the coaching, travel arrangements, children’s behaviour or more serious child protection issues. The club has selected the Welfare Officer carefully so that they can deal with most enquiries or problems, but should parents/ guardians not be happy with their response, parents/ guardians may contact any committee member.
The Club’s Lead Welfare Officer is Julia Rolfe and the Junior Welfare Officers are Mark Hughes and Mel Köth.
Lead Welfare Officer - Julia Rolfe
Julia has been a long standing member of the club since 2002, having move up here from a club in Birmingham. She has been involved in coaching for Group 3 and ladies captain.
Mobile: 07765535867
Junior Welfare Officer - Mark Hughes
Mark has been a member of the club since early 2017, “joining after having watched my son Finlay develop with the juniors for some months prior. I am a full-time single dad and I regularly help out at Park View Junior parkrun (43 times at last count)”.
Tel No: 01253 461776
Mobile: 07801 272241
Junior Welfare Office - Mel Köth
Mobile: 07738484471